Creating an Interactive Wilderness with EEI Creative Arts – Live Online
Samy’s Camera is pleased to host EEI Creative Arts for this class on creating an animated landscape using Unreal Engine 4 – All Ages Welcome
Samy’s Camera is pleased to host EEI Creative Arts for this class on creating an animated landscape using Unreal Engine 4 – All Ages Welcome
Samy’s Camera is pleased to host EEI Creative Arts for this live online class on how to create dynamic motion with your camera!
Join us for an exclusive information session with representatives from Minerva Admissions and discover the latest insights on how students and families can prepare. Additionally, we'll discuss how families with younger students can learn about new opportunities for their long-term college goals, and become a part of the Minerva system of active learning in high school — starting this fall.
It's a common misconception that college applications have one deadline. In reality, every university has a checklist of requirements, each item with its own timeline. From requesting recommendation letters to applying for scholarship consideration to sending transcripts to applying Early Decision, our expert counselors will help you create an admissions game plan. Don't wait until August of your senior year to begin planning—start now!
What does SAT/ACT "test-optional" really mean? Are SAT Subject Tests still important? Why are my AP exam scores so important? Will colleges continue to amend their policies? What does this mean for me? Join us as we review the role of standardized tests in the aftermath of COVID-19. We'll answer your questions about college entrance exams, and let you know which tests you should take, which tests are no longer necessary, and which ones you may not have considered.
The Next Generation of Visual Storytellers Conference, presented by EEI Creative Arts, School of Film & Entertainment, was created with the goal of bringing the filmmaker conference experience to middle and high school students.
Join innovators and legends Ben Nelson (Founder and CEO of the Minerva Project) and Sandy Climan (Media Strategist, Film Producer, and Co-Founder of EEI Creative Arts) for this special webinar and learn what challenges today’s students need to overcome in order to excel in competitive college admissions and the professions of tomorrow.
On Tuesday, College Board announced that it would be eliminating SAT Subject Tests and the SAT Essay in order to "adapt to new realities and changes to the college admissions process." With SAT Subject Tests out of the picture, students and families are left with lots of questions about the future of college admissions. In this webinar, Elite Director Henry Kim will answer your questions about SAT Subject Tests, AP exams, GPA, and changing college admission requirements.
In this webinar, we answer common questions about extracurriculars, address how colleges will view the "gaps" in students' resumes, and detail how a new series of extracurricular programs presented by LEAD (Learning through Extracurricular Activities and Development) and CFGL (the Center for Future Global Leaders) can help students put their best foot forward. to learn more about LEAD Extracurricular programs, visit https://eliteprep.com
In this webinar, we’ll answer your questions about the “test-optional” movement and share details about how Elite’s summer programs can help you raise your GPA, boost your test scores, and build an undeniable college application.
In this seminar, we will discuss how you can explore different major and career options as well as what it means to be "undecided."
How will colleges view my second semester GPA due to COVID-19? Do I still have to take the SAT or ACT? What does it mean to have "intellectual curiosity?" These are some of the questions we'll answer this week in the Road to Success webinar series.
The spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) has introduced a great deal of uncertainty into the lives of college-bound students. College admissions counselor and Elite Prep San Francisco Branch Director Randolf Arguelles explains how the coronavirus has affected this year's college admissions cycle and answers your questions